Saturday, 26 November 2011

How To Get Settings Panel Shortcuts On Your Home Screen For Free! (No Jailbreak Required)

We reported a couple of weeks ago about how to get SBSettings like toggles for free without a jailbreak. It was really neat and I personally liked it a lot, but now I am here to show you a new faster, easier, nicer looking, and free way to add toggles. Here are the steps that you need to follow:
Step 1: Open Safari and type in this address:
Step 2: Once the page loads, choose what icon you want on your homescreen
Step 3: Choose which icon you want (It depends if there is an alternative icon, if there isn’t any, skip this step)
Step 4: Press install
Step 5: At this point, you will be taken to the settings panel so that you can install a profile. All you have to do is press install again then press the install now on the alert.
Step 6: Your done!


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